挑戦第5弾。スーパーファミコンの「GO GO ACKMAN」にチャレンジしてみました。鳥山明の漫画がモチーフになった作品だとは知っていたけれど、今までプレイしたことはなし。感想は、操作性はなかなかいいなと思ったけれど、相変わらずアクションゲームが下手な自分に絶望しました。 【挑戦するにおいて】①人生初プレイ。②説明書は読まない。攻略法も調べない。③最大2回までのコンテニューでどこまで逝けるか。 第4弾→sm3846782 第6弾→sm3852047 マイリスト:mylist/7388737
アックマン トランクス
Gameplay from the Super Famicom game Go Go Ackman. Go Go Ackman is based on the manga of the same name by Akira Toriyama probably best known for Dragonball. Ackman is a demon who collects souls for Satan and his routine is complicated by the eternally-flustered angel Tenshi and his angel army. As I read on a site that no longer exists some years ago ’If you don’t love this game you have no soul.’
video game go ackman tenshi angel demon akira
The sequel that ’righted’ the ship IMO and brought the game back to its roots yet expanding certain parts at the same time. In order of preference: 1 3 2
Go Ackman video game manga Akira Toriyama Super
Composed by Kajima Shitamachi
ゴーゴーアックマン go! ackman music akira toriyama SFC banpresto
Sequel that for me was simply a miss
Go Ackman video game manga Akira Toriyama Super
Pretty cool platformer. Nice little techniques like making the angels act as koopa shells. Check out the part in this vid where the barrel kills an angel -- sweet. I love the gun you get later as well.
Go Ackman video game manga Akira Toriyama Super
Composed by Kajima Shitamachi
ゴーゴーアックマン go! ackman music akira toriyama SFC banpresto
First time playing
Go Ackman SFC
GGA 3 on SFC
Go Ackman video game manga Akira Toriyama Super
A force-scroller stage to add some spice to the proceedings. Reminds me of DoReMi Fantasy’s force scrollers. Later in the game there’s another one being of the water rafting variety